Unsure About Your Personality Type?

In one of our previous articles we discussed the meaning of scores you see after completing our personality test. This post will focus on what you should do if one of the traits is assigned a very low score (<55%) – this should help you find out which personality type you truly belong to.

There are two layers in our framework: Roles (Analysts, Diplomats, Sentinels and Explorers) and Strategies (Confident Individualism, People Mastery, Constant Improvement and Social Engagement). Finding out which group within each of these two layers you fall under is the most important task. For instance, the difference between an Executive and a Logistician pales in comparison to the chasm between a Logistician and an Architect, even though most of the traits overlap in both cases.

At first, try replacing the weak trait (-s) with an underscore “_” and see if your personality type matches one of the Role or Strategy groups listed in the framework article. For instance, you could get INT_-A, which would imply that you fall under the Analyst Role and Confident Individualism Strategy. If you are able to get a match, then focus on the last remaining trait and try to find out which type within that group or which side of that particular scale describes you best.

If it so happens that one of the traits that determines your Role or Strategy is a weak one, you will need to figure out which type group is a better match. For instance, if you get I_TJ-A, you will need to consider both Analyst and Sentinel Roles; if you get _SFP-T, your next step will be figuring out whether you fall under Constant Improvement or Social Engagement Strategy. If you read the Role and Strategy descriptions linked above, you will notice that they are quite distinct – you should find the right one (or the wrong one) very quickly. Once you find your group, you will have your answer.