Extraverted Observant Feeling Prospecting

ESFP Personality


Entertainers are spontaneous, energetic, and enthusiastic people – life is never boring around them.

A scene representing the ESFP personality type (Entertainer). An adult female ESFP dancer has invited an ESFP male from the audience to join her on stage, and they are dancing joyfully. They are dressed in formal attire and move with exuberance and flair. Their facial expressions convey a sense of delight and enthusiasm as they revel in the moment. Two people sit at tables, happily watching the dancing from afar.
E Extraverted S Observant F Feeling P Prospecting

Workplace Habits

The cubicle life rarely suits these outgoing individuals. People with the ESFP personality type (Entertainers) prefer more dynamic, social spaces where they can easily strike up conversations and exchange ideas. There’s hardly a better type to have around in an energetic, hectic work environment. The more freedom that they have to do what they’ve got to do, the better the results – so long as they know what the goal is.

That said, regardless of what position they find themselves in at work, ESFPs share a desire to make the environment as friendly and enjoyable as possible. To do so, these personalities tend to maintain a social and relaxed attitude, and they use it to get everyone else on board with practical tasks that need to be done.

ESFP (Entertainer) workplace habits

ESFP Subordinates

As subordinates, ESFPs thrive on change and new ideas, and they chafe under repetitive and strictly defined tasks. These personalities’ managers find willing and able experimenters who can brainstorm, quickly grasp new methods, and actually put those methods to practical use – so long as they have a little leeway to apply their own creative style. Changes may take a few tries though, as they can be forgetful in the heat of the moment and can get more caught up in trying to get quick returns.

ESFPs give honest feedback on whether things make sense, but they can sometimes be quite sensitive to others’ criticism of their own habits. Under fire, people with this personality type can become defensive and easily upset. But in the end, if they believe that the criticism comes from an honest intent to help, not hurt, they take it to heart. The biggest struggle for ESFP subordinates is that they value freedom far more than safety and security – if their conditions aren’t met, they won’t shy away from finding a new opportunity.

ESFP Colleagues

If anyone can make friends with their colleagues and keep tension at bay within their team, it’s ESFPs. A fun atmosphere is important, and people with this personality type use their strong observational and social skills to bring everyone together, shifting a souring mood if need be.

They rarely struggle to come up with ideas on how to make this happen, happily organizing events and activities inside and outside the workplace. ESFPs’ spontaneity, wit, and enthusiasm have no equal. This is important because, for these engaged personalities, a sense of fun and camaraderie go hand-in-hand with good, hard work.

ESFP Managers

As managers, ESFPs do everything they can to pump energy and fun into the day-to-day work that needs to be done. These personalities enjoy being the center of attention, and even more so they like to feel like they’re needed and appreciated. Jumping into the thick of the work and applying themselves to anything they’d ask their subordinates to do is something ESFPs consider part of the job. Authority and social status are secondary to feeling like they’re an important part of a team that gets the job done.

ESFPs are great at noticing others’ moods, and there are few personality types better at preventing conflict and encouraging relaxed, enjoyable workplaces. Subordinates are always welcome to speak their minds, and ESFPs are always happy to hear others out, especially if something is upsetting them. Their ability to relate to others and think on their feet makes them resourceful and inspiring leaders.