Extraverted Intuitive Feeling Prospecting

ENFP Personality


Campaigners are enthusiastic, creative, and sociable free spirits, who can always find a reason to smile.

A scene representing the ENFP personality type (Campaigner). Two ENFP women and one ENFP man stand in a forest setting, holding hiking poles and smiling enthusiastically. The forest is composed of angular, geometric trees in shades of green. Emerging flowers are scattered on the ground around the hikers. The overall image conveys a sense of joy, spontaneity, and connection with others that is characteristic of the ENFP personality.
E Extraverted N Intuitive F Feeling P Prospecting

Workplace Habits

Marked by inherent charisma and original imaginations, people with the ENFP personality type (Campaigners) bring a unique energy into their professional environment. They are passionate about brainstorming with their teams and tend to excel in positions of leadership due to their ability to infuse the workplace with positivity and encouragement. With their warmth and open-mindedness, ENFPs often find ways to make their workplaces more creative, inspiring, and caring – no matter where they are on the career ladder.

ENFP (Campaigner) workplace habits

Whether they’re a brand-new hire or a CEO, ENFP personalities feel happiest when they have the time and freedom to explore new ideas. And if they can explore those ideas alongside other people who share their excitement – well, that’s even better. Some personality types are sticklers for workplace hierarchies, but ENFPs see all of their colleagues as their equals. Sure, they may want to impress their boss, but chances are they want to make a good impression on everyone else as well.

ENFP Subordinates

As employees, ENFPs often impress their managers with their creativity and adaptability. People with this personality type are happy to experiment with new ways of doing things and to change course when necessary. They also stand out as excellent listeners, always eager to consider others’ perspectives.

ENFPs tend to light up their workspace with their innovative way of thinking, their empathetic nature, and their optimistic perspectives.

Like any personality type, though, ENFP subordinates have their pet peeves. Chief among these is micromanagement. ENFPs care about doing a good job, and they often feel that they do their best work when they can move at their own pace and do things in their own style. Constant nitpicking from their boss can be seriously stressful for these exuberant personalities.

That said, many people with this personality type do benefit from some direct management and oversight. ENFPs are notorious for skipping ahead to a new project before they’ve completed the last one. They love exploring new endeavors, but once a project’s allure begins to fade, they may find it difficult to stay motivated. In this spirit, these personalities may find it helpful to view check-ins from their boss as accountability and encouragement – in other words, teamwork – rather than micromanagement.

ENFP Colleagues

ENFPs view the people they work with not just as coworkers but as friends. These personalities take a genuine interest in their colleagues, curious about what makes them tick.

ENFPs can be counted on to provide cheer and support whenever one of their coworkers is down or stressed.

Their ability to relax and have fun will always make these personalities popular around the watercooler. But what sets ENFPs apart is how they can transform their popularity into natural leadership, inspiring their colleagues to band together in teams and collaborate to reach their goals.

People with this personality type are always on the search for win-win solutions to any problem. They don’t want to succeed at others’ expense, and they rarely put down a colleague to make themselves look good. Instead, they give credit where it’s due and lavish praise on anyone who does a good job. Group brainstorms are their forte. ENFPs listen to other people’s viewpoints and suggestions not just with tolerance but also genuine excitement.

ENFP Managers

ENFP managers don’t talk down to the people who work for them. In fact, managers with this personality type behave much like they did before they were in charge: They establish real connections with their employees, and they inspire by example rather than shouting orders from behind their desks.

However, not everyone shares this perspective on leadership. In the absence of clear orders, some employees may feel that they are being expected to read their ENFP manager’s mind. Some teams may need strict deadlines and timetables in order to succeed in their projects.

ENFPs prefer to focus on the big picture, letting their employees use their own judgment when it comes to handling details.

For ENFP personalities, it can be especially difficult to reprimand or fire employees – even those who deserve it. Unless they set boundaries and expectations, bosses with this personality type may end up disappointed or even taken advantage of by the people who work for them.

Fortunately, ENFPs have the sensitivity and insight to recognize when their team needs more structure or discipline in order to thrive. And while it may not be easy, they can use their communication skills and empathy to handle even the most challenging workplace situations in a way that is kind and fair.