Personality Type and Love Language: Campaigners (ENFPs)

If there is a personality type that wears their heart on their sleeve, it’s Campaigners (ENFPs). They are among the most emotionally open, willingly vulnerable, and readily affectionate partners out there. If they love someone, they’ll enthusiastically make it crystal clear.

How they go about doing this is heavily influenced by their preferred love languages.

In this article, we discuss seven distinct ways that people tend to reveal their love for others and their preferences for having love shown to them in return. We won’t cover every love language in this article, so be sure to check it out.

Campaigners fully embrace life, reveling physically, emotionally, and materially in all its pleasures. They inevitably bring this into their romantic connections, injecting spontaneity, adventure, and a depth of connection into their relationships that may feel surprising for more reserved personality types.

As Extraverts, they are freely expressive. Their Intuitive trait hints at their innate creativity and imagination. As Feeling types, they are guided by their heart, while their Prospecting trait underlies an easygoing and fun-loving nature. Using the study of personality theory, we can put all these pieces together to understand this personality type’s likely love language preferences.

How Campaigners Show Love

In all honesty, it would be a much shorter task to describe how Campaigners are unlikely to show love. They’re one of the few types who can probably give you an example of how they use every love language on the list. In this article, we’re just going to focus on a few that we suspect might resonate with them the most.

As a primary love language, Campaigners are highly likely to demonstrate their recognition and appreciation for their partner in countless little ways. This sense of gratitude often underlies all their other expressions of love – primarily psychological support, plenty of time and attention, and an abundance of physical closeness.

Recognition and Appreciation

Campaigners are among the most likely personality types to very intentionally practice expressing gratitude, something that comes naturally to them and requires very little effort. They’re usually quite generous with their compliments and appreciative affection. People with this personality type often act on romantic impulse, so don’t be surprised if they demonstrate their feelings with a random “just because” gift, a specially prepared meal, or some other spontaneous expression of love.

However they choose to do so, expect them to be quick to acknowledge and praise all those little details that they love about their partner and how that person contributes to their overall sense of happiness. It’s also probable that they’ll punctuate these expressions with easy and abundant “I love yous.”

Psychological Support

Campaigners are also quick to offer psychological support for their significant other. They generally love to have deep, emotionally open conversations with their romantic partner and are likely to feel honored if that person feels secure enough in the relationship to become vulnerable with them. Emotional vulnerability is, in fact, a prerequisite to true intimacy for most Campaigners.

Time and Attention

People with this personality type take a passionate interest in their relationships and are happy to dedicate a fair amount of time to their significant other. They also want their relationship to be fun, and their spontaneous romanticism allows them to turn a simple outing into an all-day date or to get lost in meandering conversations. When Campaigners are with their loved one, that person will likely have their full attention.

Physical Closeness

And, finally, thanks to their combined Extraverted and Feeling traits, these personalities are typically affectionate in a physical sense, communicating their love through regular physical contact. They love cuddling and holding hands, even in public – something that a lot of other people struggle with. In general, Campaigners are sensitive to their partner’s needs and are likely to consider physical touch one of the more important aspects of their romantic relationship.

Not sure what your personality type is? Take our free personality test to find out. Curious about your significant other’s type? Have them take the test, too, or try our free Type Guesser tool, specially designed for romantic relationships.

How Campaigners Receive Love

Chances are displays of love via any love language will be well received by someone with this personality type. But a good place to start is to simply reflect their love language preferences back at them. An unexpected squeeze of the hand would be a great way to reciprocate physical closeness, for instance. Campaigners’ significant others can also match their enthusiastic dedication to the relationship through thoughtful actions, through recognition and appreciation, and by returning the psychological support that Campaigners so readily provide to others.

Thoughtful Actions

Campaigners are generous people, freely offering their time and energy to support not only their partner but also their friends, family, and members of their community through countless thoughtful actions every day. So when their partner selflessly helps them, it’s well received and deeply meaningful.

Thoughtful acts don’t have to be grand gestures to communicate love, especially for people with this personality type. Small considerations like picking up the kitchen after dinner or folding that basket of clean laundry will speak volumes. The mundane details of daily life may get away from Campaigners, so anything that can be done to lighten their load will be interpreted as a show of affection and deeply appreciated.

Recognition and Appreciation

And speaking of appreciation, people with this personality type show their gratitude freely – so their significant other should do the same for them. When their partner recognizes and gives voice to what Campaigners bring to their life, expressing gratitude for all that they offer, it instills confidence and builds trust within the relationship. It also heightens their own sense of reciprocated appreciation.

This abundance of gratitude creates a positive “gratitude cycle,” which can be fed with generous compliments and an abundant use of loving phrases, such as “I love you” or “I love that you…” These are the ultimate words of appreciation, after all, and words that Campaigners will always take to heart.

Psychological Support

People with this personality type offer so much support to other people that they may find themselves feeling burned out or needing to recharge – and they’re likely to look to their significant other for the emotional support that they seek. Campaigners will treasure the time and space that their partner gives them to work their way around the thoughts and feelings that they sometimes struggle to articulate. This manifestation of love is validating, allowing them to feel accepted, seen, and valued.


This list just scratches the surface when it comes to describing the love language preferences of people with this personality type. Consider it a starting point for exploring the ins and outs of any individual Campaigner’s tendencies for loving expression. Chances are certain aspects of every love language will resonate with them in one way or another – the work is in discovering what that looks like in practical terms.

Discussing and understanding love language preferences is helpful for avoiding hurt feelings or misunderstandings. It also creates a mutually supportive dynamic where each partner feels validated and understood.

If you are a Campaigner, or if you love one, be sure to let us know in the comments which love language most resonates with you.

Further Reading

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