Extraverted Observant Feeling Judging

ESFJ Personality


Consuls are very caring, social, community-minded people who are always eager to help.

A scene depicting the ESFJ personality type (Consul). Two excited children are seated at a table, while their smiling ESFJ parents carry over wrapped presents and a birthday cake with lit candles. A loyal dog companion stands nearby, eager to join in the festivities. The scene conveys the joy and togetherness the ESFJ personality type finds in bringing loved ones together to honor important milestones and strengthen family bonds.
E Extraverted S Observant F Feeling J Judging

Workplace Habits

When it comes to the workplace, people with the ESFJ personality type (Consuls) have clear tendencies that tend to shine through regardless of their position. They thrive on social order and harmony. They use their warmth and social intelligence to make sure that each person knows their responsibilities and is able to get done what needs to get done. They are comfortable with, even dependent on, clear hierarchies and roles, and whether subordinates, colleagues, or managers, ESFJ personalities expect authority to be respected and backed up by rules and standards.

ESFJ (Consul) workplace habits

ESFJ Subordinates

With clearly defined responsibilities and a sense of purpose, ESFJs are patient, efficient, hardworking people who can be counted on to get their job done and to do it well. They respect the authority of their managers and even tend to admire their bosses, putting in the effort needed to learn from them what they can and stay on their good side.

While people with the ESFJ personality type may struggle with too much freedom and improvisation, they thrive in workplaces with structure, safety, and guidelines. Routine tasks are not a problem for them, and their dedication and loyalty earn them the respect of their managers.

ESFJ Colleagues

Teamwork is a concept that ESFJs have no trouble putting into practice. Often seeking friends at work, people with this personality type are almost always willing to lend a hand when and where it’s needed. Excellent networkers, they always seem to “know just the person” to bring a project together on time. On the other hand, they often need to work on a team – being stuck alone chipping away at paperwork for days on end just leaves them tired and unfulfilled.

These individuals take pride in these qualities, which has the side effect of making them particularly sensitive when they come under criticism. When their suggestions and help are turned down, ESFJ personalities can take it personally. Already somewhat vulnerable to stress, rejections like these can be pretty demoralizing, and they may need their coworkers to make an effort to express their appreciation from time to time.

ESFJ Managers

ESFJ personalities enjoy the responsibility that comes with organizing social situations, and the enjoyment they feel in managing other people translates well into management positions. As team leaders, they find ways to make everyone feel involved, uniting people and smoothing relations in order to get things done.

At the same time, they have a strong respect for traditional power structures, and if after all their efforts convincing their subordinates to work together someone ends up challenging their authority, they can stress out, lose their temper, and just generally react badly. People with the ESFJ personality type are sensitive about their status and dislike conflict. They prefer situations where everyone knows their role. So long as expectations are clearly outlined, they are effective and enjoyable managers.