Purposeful Professions: Sentinel Personality Types and Career Compatibility (Part II)

Welcome back! In part one of this article, we talked about careers that are a likely match for Sentinel personality types.

Now, let’s look at things that Sentinels might not appreciate in a job role or workplace.

A Bad Fit

Sentinels’ focus can get them through any work experience. But certain things may feel like an out-of-place puzzle piece, even to these steady personality types.

Such incompatible aspects can exist in career areas that otherwise seem like a good fit. But like trying to use a misshapen puzzle piece, things that don’t align with Sentinels’ principles or preferences can frustrate them. This can threaten their happiness as well as their success, if it leads to loss of energy or morale.

Most Sentinels consider the following to be negative factors in any job:

  • Unexpected change
  • Reliance on guesswork
  • Lack of discipline
  • Unconventional experimentation
  • Lack of structure
  • Unclear policies and procedures
  • Revolutionary behavior
  • Workflow intrusions/distractions
  • Unclear hierarchies

It can be tough for Sentinels to maintain long-term happiness, enthusiasm, and satisfaction if too many of these things are present in their job.

Each Sentinel personality type also has more specific reactions to what they experience at work. Now, let’s look at some things that make it significantly harder for each type to be happy and engaged in their job.


Relative to most, this personality type tends to be sensitive to:

  • Unexpected contact with strangers. Logisticians may enjoy meeting people, but it can tire them out or cause stress if they don’t have time to prepare.
  • Dependence on social status. These personalities like to distinguish themselves through their work and don’t enjoy feeling as though their success hinges on social pleasantries.
  • Emotional thinking. These types strive to find a reliable core of facts on which to base their actions. They may find it hard to respect decisions made primarily for the sake of feelings.
  • Subjective practices. Logisticians tend to see neutral consistency as fairness. They can be frustrated when actions, decisions, or outcomes vary based on individual beliefs.

Read more about Logistician career paths and workplace habits.


Relative to most, this personality type tends to be sensitive to:

  • Excessive contact with strangers. Personal relationships are very important to Defenders, but dealing with unfamiliar people tends to consume their energy.
  • Blunt behavior. Maintaining kindness and a sense of respect at work is incredibly important to these personalities, and they may see blunt or dispassionate people as callous.
  • Adversarial or competitive environments. These types see cooperation as a strength and usually function their best as a part of a community.
  • Cynicism. Defenders value constructive action more than esoteric negativity. They have complaints like anyone but ultimately prefer to make the best of things.
  • Being commanding. Defenders can do well in leadership positions, but they may falter when vigorous direction or confrontation are required.

Read more about Defender career paths and workplace habits.


Relative to most, this personality type tends to be sensitive to:

  • Lack of involvement. These types enjoy being a part of a team and taking effective action as soon as there is a need.
  • Lack of follow-through. Executives easily get frustrated if others fail to complete their work tasks, or if they themselves are unable to.
  • Seemingly arbitrary decisions. These personalities may be bothered by rationales that seem to be based solely on feelings, guesswork, or untested theory.
  • Inconsistent practices. Executives tend to see firm consistency as fairness. They can be frustrated when methods and perspectives vary too much between individuals.

Read more about Executive career paths and workplace habits.


Relative to most, this personality type tends to be sensitive to:

  • Discord. Consuls tend to prefer a work environment where people work together as part of a harmonious system.
  • Impoliteness. These personality types can be sensitive to what they see as disrespect to themselves or others, and they may not appreciate blunt communication styles.
  • Disconnection. Consuls are social and tend to work best when they’re near the hub of interpersonal activity in their workplace.
  • Apparent inertia. Since Consuls have a vigorous approach themselves, others’ inactivity is very likely to frustrate them. They may even perceive introspective caution as sluggishness.

Read more about Consul career paths and workplace habits.

Any specific work environment or culture may hold such incompatible elements, or they may stem from certain tasks. But you don’t need to avoid a career just because it has a few negative factors. It’s often just a matter of being judicious about where you pursue it.

A wise way to make a solid plan is investigating a job or field before you even train for it. Most people who like their work are happy to discuss it, especially with people who show cheerful drive and initiative.

We offer some in-depth career investigation exercises to help you see how the career compatibility puzzle looks in reality – and find hidden pieces. Check them out!

Working In the Big Picture

In a long-term career, areas of strong compatibility can counterbalance incompatible aspects. Any career can fit you if enough of the right conditions are present, so don’t feel like everything has to be ideal for you to create a solid future. Using your skill and determination will bring you satisfaction.

Let’s now hear from a Sentinel who really likes their job and consider why. We hope their words inspire you not only to think about obvious career compatibility, but also to seek out the subtle possibilities of your place in the working world.

It might seem as though the management spotlight isn’t a good fit for the Defender personality type, given their relatively gentle, private nature. But one Turbulent Defender told us how they find happiness as a retail grocery manager:

“It’s a physical job, and every day is different. I’m treated well by my employer and coworkers. I’m empowered to be genuine, which enables me to have a positive impact on the lives of my customers and employees. I laugh and have fun at work.”


Sentinels enjoy being a needed part of a well-functioning system. Defenders value positive social relationships. This person has found a wonderful way to live both ideals through their work.

This Sentinel successfully used a potentially mundane job to secure their own prosperity and happiness, as well as to make the world a better place. Any personality type would be lucky to do the same.

Deep and lasting career satisfaction might not always require finding a job with a uniquely perfect fit, but perhaps fitting into a job in a unique way.

Putting Your Future Together

We’ve talked about the differences between what Sentinel personalities bring to a job and what they might experience on the job. Understanding all the components of career compatibility lets you build a happy one. Of course, the usefulness of such understanding goes beyond just your career; our Academy offers deep understanding of other areas of life as well.

Our hope is to give you some inspiration and ideas for exploring your own compatibility with potential career areas. Don’t forget to check out those career investigation exercises!

As a final note, we want to tell you that it’s totally normal for career planning to be stressful. But trust yourself – you’re worthy of it. If you stay focused and apply your abilities fully, you can be successful on your own terms.

Further Reading

Life Satisfaction surveys: Career

Step by Step: Personality Type and Explicit Instructions

Personality Types and Leadership Styles

How to Survive Your First Day on a New Job, by Personality Type

Family and Career Survey

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