Joyful Jobs: Diplomat Personality Types and Career Compatibility (Part I)

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The Puzzle of Career Compatibility

We are often asked, “What’s the best job for my personality type?” – especially by young people contemplating their future.

Of course, there’s no single answer. The good news is, that means lots of freedom to choose. But that choice isn’t always easy. The material rewards of some career fields may be notable, but finding a job that will keep you happy and engaged is also important.

In this article series, we’ll explore the likely compatibility between Diplomat personality types and careers, in terms of happiness, enthusiasm, and satisfaction. And we’ll look at a few professional roles and workplace elements that are less likely to suit these types.

Contemplating these probabilities can help your career planning be smoother. But while our research offers some pieces of the puzzle, we also urge you to consult diverse sources: your counselors, mentors, friends, family, heart, and mind included.

The truth is, your career might not be exactly like you envision it, or your vision may change as you go. But having a vision is still very important. It gives you the energy to overcome challenges and move forward. Those who believe strongly in their goals are much more likely to accomplish them.

Diplomat personality types can be successful even in jobs that aren’t a good fit, if life demands it. But this article isn’t about accepting obligation. It’s about reaching for a career that makes the heart sing and the mind blaze.

And it’s important to say that you shouldn’t ignore any career that calls to you strongly. Some Diplomats find great fulfillment in careers that might not seem like an obvious fit for their personality type. Little things can make a big difference.

A Big Picture Composed of Little Pieces

The nuances of the real world can be powerful. There can be a major difference between what a personality type brings to their work, and what they experience at work. Strong compatibility in either of these areas can counterbalance a mismatch in the other – and vice versa.

For example, Diplomats tend to have strong empathy and may enjoy a career that involves helping people. Analysts, however, often prefer technical challenges over engaging with people. One of these types might seem better suited to be a doctor.

Indeed, most Diplomats would enjoy making people healthier and happier. But if something they experience at work (like insurance company red tape) goes against their values, they might end up frustrated.

Conversely, an Analyst might find being a surgeon – a relatively technical job where too much empathy can be distracting – very satisfying. Whether or not a career seems to overtly match a personality type, nuances can have a profound effect on compatibility.

So while we’ll focus on some likely compatibilities between Diplomat personality types and various careers, we’ll also talk about spotting aspects of a job that may call for a careful approach – or a second thought.

A great place to start is with each personality Role group. Let’s look at broad career compatibility for Diplomat personality types.

Diplomat Careers: Many Different Shapes

Diplomat personality types tend to have heartfelt personal views focused on human dignity, well-being, and harmony. Simply put, they want a world (and a job) where kindness and respect are every bit as valued as truth, knowledge – and money. For these personality types, life’s not only about goals, it’s about people and ideals. It’s perfectly natural that their professional aspirations reflect this.

If you’re a Diplomat planning a career, it might be helpful to first think about what your ideal way of engaging in the working world might look like. Consider which of these three rough categories best describes your professional hopes:

  • Joining the cause. Combining your energy and creativity with others who share similar values can be thrilling. Careers and workplaces that offer good fits for your beliefs can be great options. Working for an organization that promotes the kinds of values and actions you care about helps you turn your personal passions into prosperity.
  • Being the change. Selecting a career in a field where the things you value are generally underrepresented is a bold way to promote your ideals. Whether it’s a rote job, a dispassionate industry, or a behemoth company, being an exception to their cynical rules can make you a trailblazer. It can be a difficult path, though, as institutions most in need of reform rarely welcome it.
  • Living your truth. Sometimes, a career path can be about engaging your authentic self – sharing an inner passion or creative vision with the world. Traditional careers, even those which align well with your beliefs, can feel a little restrictive. But taking an unusual path doesn’t mean you’re on your own. From artistic jobs to small businesses, various careers exist for those who don’t feel like they fit a mainstream mold.

You may personally resonate more with one of the above goals, but it could possibly work well in any broad career area. Let’s return to our medical metaphor for a moment and think about how three different Diplomats, one in each of the above categories, might embrace being a doctor.

  • The first might want to “join the cause” by working in a community clinic. They may accept less earning potential for the sake of serving humanity. Being a part of an organization that offers needed care to those who can least afford it could make them very happy.
  • The second might want to “be the change” by working in a big corporate hospital where profit goals rule the day. They can’t stand the thought of people being harmed by an entrenched bureaucracy and welcome the challenge of bringing a dose of sincere compassion into a stagnant institution.
  • The third might want to “live their truth” by blending the best of Western medicine with alternative health modalities they believe in. A small partnership with other like-minded physicians or holistic healers might let them practice medicine on their terms.

It’s good to think about how you might act on your desires in a real-world profession. Which of the above styles sounds most like your way of following dreams? Some career fields may nicely match the humanistic things that Diplomats value most, so let’s explore them.

Finding Somewhere You Fit

Finding the right “fit” is about more than just selecting a field, but the broad strokes are a great place to start. Based on their personality traits, most Diplomats are likely to find compatibility in the following career areas.

We provide this information for inspiration, not confinement. Our suggestions are based on personality type research, but it’s important that you choose your own path freely.

Health Care

Helping promote the health of others is a natural way for Diplomats to express their human values, whether in a conventional, personal, or alternative context.

Career choices here include:

  • Physician
  • Physician’s assistant
  • Nurse practitioner
  • Nursing assistant
  • Physical therapist
  • Medical technician
  • Pharmacy technician
  • Optometrist
  • Optician
  • Midwife/doula
  • Massage therapist
  • Health-care administrator
  • Community health worker
  • Hospital orderly
  • Psychiatrist
  • Psychologist
  • Therapist
  • Addiction counselor
  • Marriage counselor
  • Social worker
  • Dietitian
  • Veterinarian
  • Chiropractor
  • Medical researcher


Strength of the mind is no less important to Diplomats than health of the body. Aiding others in developing their knowledge and abilities can be an incredibly satisfying way to make a living.

Career choices in this vein include:

  • Preschool, elementary, or high school teacher
  • Special education teacher
  • Teacher’s aide or educational assistant
  • Adult education teacher
  • Career counselor
  • English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher
  • Tutor
  • College professor
  • Guidance counselor
  • School psychologist
  • College lecturer (especially religion, philosophy, or literature)
  • Religious educator
  • School principal (but mostly as a visionary)

Social Activism

Making the world a better place is a resonant concept to Diplomat personality types. Some careers offer solid ways to connect personal ideals to real-world results, though some are more demanding than others.

Career paths here include:

  • Communications associate at a nonprofit
  • Political campaign volunteer or assistant
  • Foreign aid worker
  • Legal advocate
  • Documentary filmmaker
  • Photojournalist
  • Dispatcher (emergency aid, domestic violence or suicide hotlines, etc.)
  • Social worker
  • Manager or specialist at a nonprofit
  • Nongovernmental organization (NGO) lawyer
  • Diplomat or liaison
  • Policy institute researcher
  • Investigative journalist
  • Religious charity worker
  • Employment specialist
  • Job trainer

Creative Arts

While turning artistic vision into a paycheck isn’t always easy, Diplomat personality types who want to express their talents can seek a career in the arts. Some may have more obvious profitability than others, especially when tied to other industries like marketing or media production.

Some artistic career examples include:

  • Actor
  • Singer
  • Music production assistant
  • Musician
  • Painter
  • Interior designer
  • Photographer
  • Material artist/sculptor
  • Graphic designer
  • Cartoonist
  • Writer

Service Work

Not all happy, worthwhile careers are characterized by lofty intellectual ideals. There’s a lot to be said for being a person who brings joy into the lives of others. Diplomats’ warm interpersonal energy can let them earn good money while taking care of people.

Service can take many varied forms. Here are just a few:

  • Server
  • Chef
  • Bartender
  • Personal care aide
  • Childcare specialist/au pair
  • Tour/museum guide
  • Event coordinator
  • Animal trainer/caregiver
  • Cosmetician
  • Stylist


While some Diplomats may not relate personally to certain mainstream business sectors, there are many roles that may be appealing. Positions where Diplomats can engage warmly with people can be particularly satisfying.

Some examples include:

  • Hiring manager/assistant
  • Employee relations manager/assistant
  • Public relations liaison
  • Salesperson
  • Spokesperson
  • Trainer/mentor
  • Retail (especially customer-facing)
  • Host to foreign associate

There are a lot of career areas that call for qualities that match well with Diplomats’ typical strengths, tendencies, and preferences.

But earlier we mentioned how what a personality type brings to their work can be different from what they experience at work – and not always in a good way. In the second part of this series, we’ll look at some job aspects that can conflict with Diplomats’ professional happiness. We hope you’ll join us again.

And hey – if your job is a great match for your personality type, we’d love to hear why. Is it the work itself, or the workplace? Do you think it might be a good match for others of your personality type? Share your inspiring experience in the comments below!

Further Reading

Joyful Jobs: Diplomat Personality Types and Career Compatibility (Part II)

Life Satisfaction surveys: Career

Does Your Personality Type Determine Your Job?

Problems Working 9-to-5?

Climbing the Corporate Ladder: Workplace Authority and Personality Type