Architects (INTJs) and Mental Load: Keeping It Cool

Architects (INTJs) tend to be an ambitious bunch with clear goals and carefully planned, if sometimes convoluted, roadmaps for achieving them. Many people with this personality type actively seek out challenges that allow them to stretch their cognitive muscles, put their strategic-thinking skills to work, and get things done. They value efficiency and the systematic organization of their lives. When it comes to mental load, Architects not only create daily to-do lists but also most likely enjoy the process of doing so.

Mental load is the everyday thinking required to keep your life on track. It is the invisible cognitive workout behind everything you do. At home, at school, or on the job – you can’t escape it. As we discussed in this article, how a person handles their mental load has a lot to do with their personality traits.

Because Architects are inclined to be detail-oriented, household chores, side projects, and work tasks all make their way onto their checklist of things to do. At the end of a busy day, they are more likely than not to feel energized and accomplished for all that they have managed to get done.

Oh, and they like to do things themselves. It’s highly unlikely that your favorite Architect is going to ask for help (especially if they have the Turbulent trait).

People with this personality type do not shy away from hefty mental loads.

But how do they handle them? Putting a lot on your plate is one thing, but successfully holding up to the pressure of so much responsibility is another.

How Do Architects Handle Their Mental Load?

One of the most influential factors in how Architects hold up to the many demands that they place upon themselves is the Judging trait, which has particular sway in how they lean into their mental load. Architects’ tendency to plan, their self-discipline required to follow through with those plans, their need for organization, and their sharp memory are all strongly linked to this aspect of their personality.

The Judging trait also plays a significant role (together with their Thinking trait) in the fact that they are considerably less likely than other Introverted, Intuitive personality types to become overwhelmed by the demands of their to-do lists.

The Undeniable Influence of Identity

About 84% of Assertive Architects say they handle stress well, compared to around 35% of Turbulent Architects.

“Handling Stress” survey

Another major factor that influences how any individual Architect handles their mental load really comes down to whether they are Assertive or Turbulent.

Turbulent individuals, by nature, are more susceptible to stress. While no Architect is immune to feeling overwhelmed by their mental load, Turbulent Architects are more likely than Assertive ones to become burdened or feel frustrated by it. Some Turbulent Architects may really sweat it if that mental checklist is just too long.

Turbulent Architects are nearly three times more likely than Assertive ones to admit to easily becoming flustered. It’s worth noting, however, that compared to other Turbulent personality types, Architects are among the least likely to become ruffled due to stress.

The Verdict?

When considering this personality type from every angle, it’s safe to say that Architects generally have the cognitive fortitude and agility to carry their mental load without falling victim to it. Accomplishing the necessary tasks of everyday life tends to leave them feeling confident and downright energized.

Are you an Architect? How would you rate your relationship with your mental load? Be sure to let us know in a comment below.

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