The Sweet 16: Which Candy Matches Your Personality Type?

We love sharing insights and advice to help you understand how your personality matters in important areas of life. But this Easter, we thought we’d take a break from any seriousness whatsoever and offer some giggles instead.

Have you ever wondered how each personality type’s unique qualities might translate into candy treats? Neither had we, but then we ate too much sugar, and this happened. Ready for an imaginative, adjective-filled foray into silliness? We promise smiles, especially if you’re familiar with all 16 personality types and their tendencies.

Allergy warning: This article was produced on equipment that also processes personality type research data and may contain traces of truth.

There are no chocolate rivers to fall into, but we’re pretty sure that by the end of this tour, you’ll want to dive into a sweet treat of some kind. Let’s imagine the tasty traits of each personality type.

Analyst Personality Types

Architect (INTJ)Professor Perfect’s prescored semisweet chocolate baking rectangles. Precisely defined, slightly bitter, and designed to excel in very specific applications. (And they’re an obscure brand of their own invention.)

Logician (INTP)Dark chocolate with sea salt. A mix of the essentials that isn’t afraid to go to experimental places. The kind of subtle, unapologetically salty intensity you’re not sure you like at first but tend to remember.

Commander (ENTJ)Kit Kat bar. Rigid in a useful way, with a detailed internal matrix of crisp substance moderating sweetness. Responds to pressure in purposeful, ordered proportion.

Debater (ENTP)Zotz. As hard a candy as you can find on the outside – and they promise an intense assault on your senses if you bite them. (Or if you give them enough time to show what they’re made of.)

Diplomat Personality Types

Advocate (INFJ)Twix bars. A balance of refined structure and deep sweetness. Egalitarian at heart but flirts with potential guilt: to judiciously share with precious few or not at all?

Mediator (INFP)Reese’s Pieces. Colorful in presentation but always offering a gentle core of sweetness that aligns well with varied preferences. Delightful in big doses or as a fleeting taste.

Protagonist (ENFJ)Heath toffee bar. Enrobed in rich, inviting sweetness but with a tough core that sticks enduringly through anything – no matter how hard it gets chewed up.

Campaigner (ENFP)Andes chocolate mints. Sweet through and through, with a multiportioned shareability that seeks to bring joy – and a bit of awakening freshness – to everyone.

Sentinel Personality Types

Logistician (ISTJ)Hershey’s Milk Chocolate bar. Offers a consistent, essential functionality that underpins and elevates almost anything. Underappreciated for its quality.

Defender (ISFJ)Cadbury Creme Egg. A traditional presentation of generous richness that aims for ease of enjoyment. Delightful sweetness concealed by an unassuming exterior.

Executive (ESTJ)Butterfinger bar. A distinct character that’s unapologetically crisp beneath a sensibly conventional coating. Polarizing for some but firmly delivers what it promises.

Consul (ESFJ)Snickers bar. A thoughtful blend of smooth sweetness and substance, with a hint of practical nourishment hiding amid pleasing elements. Popular for good reason.

Explorer Personality Types

Virtuoso (ISTP)Acid Pops. An unusual kind of intenseness that’s deliberately not to everyone’s tastes. A nodworthy embrace of extremity that proudly succeeds by its own measures.

Adventurer (ISFP)Jelly Belly jelly beans. An endlessly multifaceted foray into curiosity that deftly recovers from its own missteps with bright, surprising flavors. Admirable in both deliciousness and oddity.

Entrepreneur (ESTP)Ferrero Rocher hazelnut chocolates. A classy treat that’s genuinely appreciable for its earthy, nutty endowments but overly concerned with gilded presentation. Pleases despite excesses of richness, not because of them.

Entertainer (ESFP)Gummy bears. A colorful celebration of different flavors in a form gentle and flexible enough to bring joy to all kinds of people. Tangy, sweet, durable, and even better once they warm up.

Did We Get It Right?

Are these descriptions brilliantly incisive metaphors or mismatched meanderings of fancy? Let us know in the comments below. And feel free to tell us what kind of candy you think matches your personality and why. We’d love to hear your sweet, nutty, fruity imagination at work.

You might notice that we didn’t mention those famous pastel marshmallow critters (not even a peep). We didn’t want to compare any personality type to something garish and insubstantial, no matter how quintessentially Easter it is. If anything, you’re a chocolate bunny, baby, a solid one, and don’t ever let anyone tell you any different.

Happy Easter from all of us at 16Personalities!

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