How to Make 2021 Your Year, by Personality Type

For many of us, 2020 was a doozy – a year that challenged our resilience, our sense of control over our lives, and our will to wear anything other than sweatpants.

Right now, setting New Year’s resolutions might feel risky or even pointless – no matter what your personality type. If the past year has taught us anything, it’s that the future is unpredictable and far from guaranteed. You might spend months training for a marathon that gets canceled, saving up for a family vacation that has to be postponed, or planning a wedding reception that you end up calling off the day before it’s scheduled to take place. (That last one happened to yours truly in March.)

Yes, the future is unpredictable – but that doesn’t mean that we should stop setting goals and going after our dreams. Pardon me for getting a bit emotional here, but when we give up on bettering ourselves and our relationships, on trying new things and exploring our passions, our lives become a whole lot duller. We lose our sense of inspiration and possibility, our belief that we can rise to challenges and expand our horizons.

Giving up on our goals is like spending all day on the couch – it may feel comfortable for a while, but eventually it gets old.

So, with all of that said, here are ideas to help every personality type get off the couch – both literally and metaphorically – and make 2021 their year.

How Your Personality Type Can Thrive in 2021

Architect (INTJ): Be Your Own Kind of Weird

Right now, I can imagine all you Architects out there saying, “But I already am weird!” After all, this personality type isn’t exactly known for agonizing over what other people think of them.

But here’s a question for you: Are you being your own kind of weird? Architects are often labeled as “nerds” or “geeks,” and many people with this personality type end up leaning into these stereotypes. If you’re genuinely into gaming and chunky glasses, then you do you. But maybe you’d also enjoy martial arts or interior design or playing with makeup or any of the millions of other pastimes that don’t fit into the narrow confines of society’s ideas about “nerds.” So in 2021, make sure you’re being your own kind of weird and not anyone else’s.

Logician (INTP): Create a Simple Morning Routine

Routine isn’t among this personality type’s favorite words, but hear me out. As a Logician, you’re probably bursting with ideas and goals and plans at any given moment. But consistently following through on those plans might not be quite as easy for you. At the end of the day – or the end of the year – you might find yourself dissatisfied with the progress you’ve made on your world-changing ideas.

This year, focus on setting a morning routine and sticking with it. Now, don’t spend the next hour researching and agonizing over the perfect routine. Instead, choose a single, concrete, specific action that you can do every single morning. Maybe your routine consists of writing down your top priority for the day on a whiteboard, or maybe it’s a fifteen-minute yoga session. Choose something that you’ll be able to stick with – if you worry that it’s too small or easy to make a difference, then you’re on the right track. By starting your day with a consistent, structured routine, you can strengthen your ability to buckle down and follow through on your intentions.

Commander (ENTJ): Find a Mentor

As a Commander, you might frequently find yourself mentoring others – offering advice and guidance to your friends, loved ones, classmates, colleagues, or perhaps even people you don’t know all that well. But because you’re so used to being the person in the know, chances are that you haven’t prioritized finding a mentor of your own.

You might think that you can be successful without anyone’s help – and who knows, maybe you’re right. But a good mentor can make the path to success all the more interesting and rewarding, challenging your preconceived notions and opening your eyes to opportunities that you might otherwise miss. Plus, a mentor can be an unmatched source of support and wisdom when times get tough. So this year, seek out a mentor, even if you don’t think you need one. You might just be surprised by the difference this person makes in your life.

Debater (ENTP): Write Stuff Down

Oh, Debaters. You’re among the most interesting personality types to talk to, always buzzing with new ideas and perspectives and goodness knows what else. But because your thoughts and opinions turn over so quickly, you might actually find yourself forgetting or losing track of some of your best insights.

This year, keep a record of your thoughts and experiences. This could take the form of a daily journal, a stack of index cards, or video recordings on your phone. Every now and then, look back at your previous entries and take note of any ideas that you want to follow up on or any memories you’d like to preserve.

Advocate (INFJ): Do Something Badly

Few personality types hate being bad at something more than Advocates. If you’re an Advocate, chances are you have high standards for yourself. Your definition of success might not look like everyone else’s, but that doesn’t mean that you enjoy failing.

But unless you’re willing to risk doing something badly, you’ll never leave your comfort zone – and few Advocates would be content with a life spent entirely in their comfort zone. So this year, try something that you’ve always wanted to do but worry you’ll be terrible at, and try to ignore success metrics. For example, if you want to take up running, don’t invest in a fancy watch that tells you exactly how fast you’re going or an app that compares your times to other people’s.

Mediator (INFP): Build Your “Chosen Family”

Mediators are the personality type most likely to say they often or very often feel lonely. This year, focus on building your “chosen family” – a small circle of loved ones and confidants who feel like family, whether or not you’re actually related to one another.

If it’s not safe to plan in-person get-togethers where you are, then you can use your creativity to come up with other ways to create and sustain these connections. For example, you might set up weekly or monthly calls or video chats, become diligent about sending birthday cards, or host a virtual book club or game night.

Protagonist (ENFJ): Indulge Your Inner Artist

Protagonists tend to prioritize other people’s needs and concerns over their own. This is a personality type that takes pride in being there for others, even when it isn’t easy or convenient. As a result, people with this personality type may find themselves with little time and energy to devote to their own interests – the things that light them up and bring them joy.

And Protagonists do tend to have a range of interests. In particular, they can be deeply affected by the arts, and they’re among the types that most enjoy singing and dancing – in fact, 80% of Protagonists say they sing to manage or alter their mood. If you’re a Protagonist, you might put off indulging your artistic side, especially when there are so many problems in the world. But prioritizing your own self-expression is a powerful way to inspire the people around you – not to mention yourself.

Campaigner (ENFP): Get an Accountability Partner

As a Campaigner, you’re full of ideas and dreams and good intentions. You’ve got a creative streak a mile long. But making consistent progress toward your goals – well, that’s another story.

This year, enlist an accountability partner to help keep you on track. Whether your 2021 plans include taking up weight lifting or writing a screenplay, your initial enthusiasm will wane at times, and you’ll be tempted to give up. For your accountability partner, pick a friend who won’t go easy on you. Ask them to help you set deadlines and benchmarks – and enforce consequences if you don’t keep up your end of the deal. If you have the means, hiring a coach, consultant, or trainer can be a great idea too.

Logistician (ISTJ): Return to an Old Hobby

Life is busy, and Logisticians are known for their ability to prioritize and be efficient. This often means setting hobbies and fun time on the back burner in favor of focusing on endeavors that seem more “important” or “productive.”

In 2021, take stock of the things you do on a regular basis purely for enjoyment. If the list is skimpy, think about what you used to enjoy doing. What activities lit you up when you were a kid? What hobbies have you given up on because practical matters got in the way? Set aside time to return to these former interests of yours – you might just find that you’ve missed them more than you realized.

Defender (ISFJ): Demand Recognition

For Defenders, demanding recognition can feel really, really uncomfortable. People with this personality type tend to work in the background, keeping things running without drawing all that much attention to themselves.

This year, look for ways to get acknowledgment for all that you do. This will look different for everyone – you might ask for a promotion or pay raise, enter a painting you made into an art contest, put yourself in the running for an award, or even just get your spouse to realize how many chores you do and take on some additional tasks themselves. Demanding recognition will probably take you out of your comfort zone, but you might find that a little acknowledgment helps you feel all the more energized and effective.

Executive (ESTJ): Cut Loose

Executives are often pillars of their communities, known for their dedication and reliability. But with their strong sense of duty, people with this personality type can feel as if the world is on their shoulders. And that makes it difficult for them to carve out downtime and prioritize relaxation.

If you’re an Executive, you might think that taking a break just isn’t an option. Chances are you’re highly conscious of all the deadlines and commitments you need to meet. And in the past, that may have led you to the brink of burnout – or beyond. This year, commit to scheduling a block of time every week to have fun and decompress. If you still want to feel productive, take on hobbies with tangible results, such as woodworking or other crafts, or do activities with loved ones to help strengthen your relationships.

Consul (ESFJ): Bring People Together

As you’ve probably noticed, 2020 hasn’t been the easiest year for anyone. Even as we round the bend into a new year, many people are feeling lonely and isolated, longing for a sense of community and connection.

This is exactly the kind of situation in which Consuls can shine. Your personality type is known for planning events and gatherings that truly bring people together. In 2021, you can use these talents to uplift the people in your community and beyond. If anyone can make a virtual get-together enjoyable and meaningful, it’s a Consul. You can also plan future events for when it’s safe for groups to gather, giving us all a little something to look forward to.

Virtuoso (ISTP): Track Your Progress

Virtuosos are known for doing pretty much whatever they please. Most of the time, this works out just fine. By following their curiosity, people with this personality type often become experts in the subjects and projects that interest them most.

But Virtuosos don’t always find it easy to stay committed in the long term. If this is your personality type, then you probably don’t enjoy leaving things unfinished, but you may find yourself doing it anyway. You might even have a closet of tools and supplies that you bought to pursue a hobby or interest, only to have them gather dust. In 2021, track your progress on any projects that you hope to complete or skills that you plan to master. This may make all the difference between wanting to get something done and actually doing it.

Adventurer (ISFP): Venture into the Spotlight

Adventurers are creative, but they often share their creations with only a small circle of friends and loved ones – if even that. If this is your personality type, then fame and attention probably hold little sway for you. When you indulge your creativity, it’s because you find joy in the process, not because you want to show off.

But sharing your creativity with others doesn’t have to be the same as showing off. You never know how your hummus recipe, your quirkily decorated home, or the innovative idea you came up with at work might inspire others. So this year, experiment with venturing into the spotlight. Although it might feel a bit uncomfortable at first, you might make wonderful connections with other people.

Entrepreneur (ESTP): Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Entrepreneurs aren’t exactly shrinking violets, so if this is your personality type, you’re probably saying, “Excuse me, but I already get out of my comfort zone all the time.”

While you might not be particularly afraid of risk or adventure, even you have your limits. Maybe you love skydiving but feel hesitant about reconnecting with an old friend you fell out with over a silly argument. Or maybe you’re putting off dealing with a potential medical, financial, or practical issue that makes you feel nervous. Whatever it is that you’ve been avoiding, see if you can embrace the discomfort and face the challenge head on.

Entertainer (ESFP): Make Something of Your Own

Entertainers tend to be wonderful collaborators. This is a personality type that loves to join teams, cohost parties, and generally sprinkle their creative fairy dust over other people’s projects and ideas.

As an Entertainer, though, you might not often strike out and make something all your own. Think about something you’ve always wanted to do but never did – maybe because other priorities got in the way, or maybe because nobody else wanted to do it with you. Either way, set aside time and space to work toward this goal, whether that means finally using that set of watercolors or buckling down on that story idea that’s been floating around your head for ages. Collaboration is wonderful, but there’s a magic in discovering that you can do something all on your own. In 2021, look for ways to discover (or re-discover) that magic.

Happy New Year from 16Personalities!

We at 16Personalities wish you a wonderful 2021, whatever it might have in store. Tell us in the comments what you feel inspired to do with this New Year!

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