Personality Type Easter Eggs

What treasures might be hidden in each personality type?

Easter is celebrated widely in various ways both religious and secular. But the Easter egg is common to celebrations the world over. For some, it’s a symbol of new life and an important affirmation of their faith. For others, the association is more earthly – happy gatherings filled with the glee of children searching out treats.

Even if an Easter egg is just an excuse for colleagues to give each other some candy, it’s not a hollow symbol; it’s filled with some form of joy. Easter eggs are valued not just for their colorful appearance, but also for what’s inside.

With that in mind, this Easter, we thought we’d search out some less-obvious treasures in each personality type. Whether it’s something you might better appreciate about your own type or something you don’t always notice in others, it’s nice to recognize sweet parts of what we are. We think these personality type “Easter eggs” are worth highlighting:

Analyst Personality Types

Architects are Zen-like. No type has a greater love of solitude, and Architects often enter a focused state of creativity when by themselves. They regularly seek to be alone, not to be rude, but simply to be calm and productive.

Logicians are adventurous. Easily bored and highly curious, these personalities like to explore the unknown. Logicians aren’t always thought of as social, but their adventurousness makes for great fun with friends.

Commanders like to please. When it comes to those they love, no other personality type is more likely to go out of their way to make someone happy. This is partly because Commanders do everything with vigor, but also because they value loyalty.

Debaters love friendship. Famous for their unfiltered style when confronting others, Debaters don’t actually prefer negative interactions. In fact, there isn’t a personality type more likely to approach new people with friendly, rambunctious energy.

Diplomat Personality Types

Advocates are organized taskmasters. These personalities have the great ability to compose detailed plans to get things done. Often given credit for their ideals and empathy, Advocates also bring order to whatever’s important to them.

Mediators reflect. No other personality type is more likely to mirror the feelings and needs of those around them. Mediators naturally resonate with the people they’re with and take great care to tune their own output for the benefit of others.

Protagonists love help. While they’re known for jumping in to help others, no other type reports being as dependent on their friends and family for support. These personalities grow strong through mutual bonds.

Campaigners are very accepting. Despite their feisty sense of idealism, Campaigners are quick to see the appeal in others, simply for being who they are. No other type is more open-minded or open-armed.

Sentinel Personality Types

Logisticians are pillars. No personality type is more stable, and anyone lucky enough to have their support knows that Logisticians make very solid friends. They offer their companionship not because they’re social, but because they value someone.

Defenders make great bosses. Not likely to seek out leadership roles, Defenders tend to be humble and empathetic. So, when they are in charge, they care about people as well as getting good results.

Executives are surprisingly social. Known for their bold and exacting manner, these personalities aren’t all business. Executives also have an above-average sense of social confidence, easily approaching other people to break the ice and get to know them.

Consuls cure boredom. People with this personality type exude engaged purpose in everything they do – and they’re highly social. It’s almost impossible to be idle in their company, and anyone who claims to be bored around Consuls will quickly become occupied.

Explorer Personality Types

Virtuosos are wonderfully resilient. Whether it’s a momentary failure or social slight, Virtuosos excel at letting negativity roll right off of them. They can weather circumstances that would make other personality types crumple, and simply move on.

Adventurers are more capable than they let on. Because they tend to be easygoing and open-minded, Adventurers often downplay their accomplishments. Seeing their personal skill revealed is often a delightful surprise.

Entrepreneurs engage everything. There isn’t a personality type better at hands-on multitasking. Entrepreneurs rarely forgo their many creative ideas, no matter how many irons they already have in the fire.

Entertainers can focus deeply. These personalities are known for their love of spontaneous, joyful engagements. But what’s not always obvious is how much joy Entertainers also take in honing a specific personal passion with dedication.

Thanks for joining us for this quick look at some of what makes each personality type wonderful. However you celebrate Easter, we hope you’ll take some time to seek out and appreciate even the less obvious virtues in those around you – and in yourself.

If you want to learn more, you can read about personality types or find out what type you are with our easy, free personality test. And we’d love to hear about the type “Easter eggs” you’ve found. What are some hidden virtues of your own type, or in other types in your life? Let us know in the comments below. Happy Easter!

Further Reading

Springtime in the Garden of the Soul

Why People Are Grateful for You, Based on Your Personality Type

Creative Personality Traits

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