Logician Personality and Emotions

Logicians are proud of their ability to think in both logical and creative ways. They are often bursting with ideas and are inspired by the many problems they see in the world that are just waiting to be solved. People with this personality type have a great deal of energy to direct toward their mental pursuits and anything else that catches their attention.

All these strengths are fantastic, but they can prevent Logicians from fully developing other important skills – specifically their emotional intelligence. Ideas excite them. Emotions, however, can be frustrating and difficult to rationalize.

This doesn’t apply to just their emotions either – others’ feelings can also be overwhelming. Like all Analyst personalities, Logicians can get so wrapped up in their own thoughts that they miss the cues that others provide about their feelings. As a result, they may find themselves confused and even shocked by emotional displays that seemingly come from out of nowhere.

The Purpose of Emotions

Fortunately, individuals with this personality type can use their creativity and problem-solving skills to improve their emotional intelligence. In fact, learning to understand and utilize their feelings can, in turn, provide them with more tools for their personal toolbox.

Logicians are often easily distracted by new ideas, concepts, and learning opportunities. An idle mind is not an option, and even the slightest hint of boredom can cause a mild panic. Feelings of restriction or pressure to conform can likewise result in a variety of negative emotions. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, however. These emotions, while frustrating, can be important tools for personal development.

“Your emotions make you human. Even the unpleasant ones have a purpose. Don’t lock them away. If you ignore them, they just get louder and angrier.”

Sabaa Tahir, A Torch Against the Night

While they may seem like distractions, emotions actually serve a purpose. The most important purpose is signaling when something is out of alignment. Feeling anxious or depressed about going into work? This may indicate that a new job is in order. Wanting to spend less time around a romantic partner because of constant arguments? There is likely an underlying issue that needs to be addressed to improve the relationship.

Emotions Support Intellect

Emotions don’t always make sense, but they do provide a level of self-awareness that may not come naturally to a Logician personality. Becoming more conscious of one’s feelings and how they influence thoughts and actions is necessary for a successful, fulfilling life.

“One ought to hold on to one’s heart; for if one lets it go, one soon loses control of the head too.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

Intellectual mastery can only take one so far. If Logician personalities are unable to either communicate their thoughts effectively or maintain healthy relationships, all areas of their lives are bound to suffer. Thankfully, a thirst for knowledge is an incredibly useful trait to have when Logicians are looking to improve their emotional intelligence.

Building an Emotional Toolbox

So, the real question that needs to be answered is, “How?” How does one learn not only to become aware of their emotions, but also to use them to become a more well-rounded, effective individual? The best way to do this is to build an emotional toolbox that addresses the specific issues that are most relevant.

A Logician struggling with their relationships, for example, may want to focus on improving their empathy and emotional expression. Doing some basic research on these skills and practicing them is a great first step. (This article can help!) Perhaps work isn’t going well. In that case, learning more about healthy problem-solving and stress-management skills can be helpful.

The following steps can help you make your emotions work for you (instead of against you):

  1. Identify a situation where you are struggling.

  2. Write down three to five words that describe your feelings about that situation.

  3. Turn those words into action plans.

Final Thoughts

Obviously, not all emotions are negative, and it’s important that Logician personalities don’t become focused solely on what makes them feel bad in an attempt to improve their lives. Improving emotional intelligence is great, but making sure to appreciate the positive feelings that are experienced on a regular basis is just as important.

Taking time each day to consider those things that bring them happiness – such as relationships, hobbies, or even a special possession – can improve a Logician’s overall mood and well-being. In fact, creating an intentional gratitude practice is one of the most effective ways to promote even more positive emotions.

Whatever struggles Logician personality types may be having, leveraging their creativity and passion for increasing their knowledge will help them find suitable resolutions to their problems. Our Academy is a great starting point for this journey – as are the articles suggested below. However, we want to hear from you! What techniques or tools have you used to improve your emotional shortcomings? Let us know!

Further Reading

Three Ways Each Analyst Can Deal With Uncertainty (and One Way They Shouldn’t)

“Can’t Read My Poker Face”: Personality Type and Masking Emotion

Empathy Is Important Regardless of Your Type

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