Mr. Darcy’s Personality Type Revealed

Now that we’ve revealed Elizabeth Bennet’s personality type, you might find yourself wondering: But what is Mr. Darcy’s personality type?

Well, fair reader, we at 16Personalities have been pondering that very question. After all, it’s the interplay between Elizabeth’s and Darcy’s personalities that makes Pride and Prejudice such a delight to read.

Mr. Darcy Personality Type

Our determination? Mr. Darcy is an example of the Assertive Logistician (ISTJ-A) personality type.

Here’s how we came to that conclusion.

Introverted (I)

Over the centuries, Mr. Darcy has earned a reputation as something of a heartthrob, but that doesn’t make him a social butterfly. He finds himself drained by the gatherings and grand balls that Elizabeth so enjoys, and conversing with strangers feels uncomfortable to him.

This doesn’t mean that Darcy is antisocial, however. In typical Introvert fashion, he simply reserves his social energy for the few people he allows into his inner circle, such as his friend Bingley and his sister Georgiana.

Observant (S)

Like many Observant personality types, Mr. Darcy is highly sensitive to tradition and social expectations. Whereas an Intuitive type might not worry about marrying below his “station,” Darcy is painfully aware that everyone in his life expects him to choose a wife whose social standing matches his.

In this vein, he also devotes himself to helping his friends and loved ones maintain their own reputations and propriety. This is why he initially advises his friend Bingley not to marry Jane, why he opposes his sister’s relationship with the fortune-hunting Mr. Wickham, and why he endeavors to restore the reputation of Elizabeth’s sister Lydia.

Thinking (T)

The first time Darcy proposes to Elizabeth, he says, “In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.”

Hang on, you might be thinking, that sounds like a Feeling personality type!

But as Mr. Darcy reveals, he has been trying – in typical Thinking-type fashion – to reason his way out of his love for Elizabeth. In fact, he ends his proposal by explaining all of the rational reasons why he shouldn’t love her. (Needless to say, this doesn’t go over well.)

Judging (J)

One of the pleasures of reading Pride and Prejudice is seeing how Darcy and Elizabeth move beyond their initial (not-altogether-positive) impressions of each other. Both of these characters are Judging personalities, with firmly held opinions. In fact, early in the novel, Darcy boasts to Elizabeth, “My good opinion once lost is lost for ever.”

Fortunately, like many Judging types, Darcy and Elizabeth eventually discover that some opinions are meant to evolve and grow. This progression is why their love story continues to resonate with readers – even though we no longer attend balls or drive around in carriages.

Assertive (A)

Mr. Darcy rarely doubts himself. As we’ve discussed, his first proposal to Elizabeth is kind of a disaster. He tells her, for example, that he has found it “impossible to conquer” his love for her “in spite of all his endeavours.” He also insults her family and her social standing.

Despite these (rather obvious) missteps, Darcy seems totally confident that Elizabeth will accept his proposal: “she could easily see that he had no doubt of a favourable answer. He spoke of apprehension and anxiety, but his countenance expressed real security.” It’s only once Darcy recognizes that he must earn Elizabeth’s affections that he is successful in doing so.


For these reasons, we consider Mr. Darcy to be an Assertive Logistician. But what do you think, fair reader? Do you agree, or do you think that Mr. Darcy might be a different personality type? Let us know in the comments below!

Further Reading

Well, That’s Awkward: Social Clumsiness and Personality Type

Romantic Jealousy by Personality Type

Personality and the Avid Reader

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